TINTORIA MAIA Best Laundry & Dry Cleaner Services in Merano Italy Tintoria lavanderia lavanderie a secco

Blankets, Duvets and quilts cleaning Service in Merano

Keeping your carpets and rugs clean is one of the most important things you can do to make your house a home. Let Tintoria Maia carpet cleaning in Merano help you keep your most heavily trampled pieces dirt-free and smelling fresh.

We try to always carry out pre inspections, especially for upholstery, as not all fabrics can be wet cleaned. This also allows us to be fully prepared for the clean, ensuring we have the right cleaning products to treat stains to the best advantage.

When you require high quality carpet and upholstery cleaning, you can rely on our proficient cleaners. Completing a deep carpet clean relies on more than using a vacuum cleaner. It requires skill, the latest cleaning technology and expert knowledge of the right cleaning chemicals & products to use for any specific carpet or upholstery.

Our professional carpet cleaning services includes your all types of carpets. Our experienced cleaners will only use industry approved chemicals from Prochem, and ensure they use suitable chemicals on the right materials. Our team are highly trained and vastly practised with all carpet cleaning jobs.